Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Greenplay is a mobile application that encourages the use of sustainable means of transport in companies and cities with fun, collaborative and measurable challenges. Using specialized algorithms, our application automatically detects trips made using sustainable modes of transport such as bus, metro, bicycle, walking and carpooling. In addition to having at your disposal metric data on your sustainable travel, you will also have access to the conversion of this data into kg of GHG saved in order to give you a better idea of your ecological footprint and your impact on the planet. . 

The Greenplay mobile application provides simple and efficient data collection on individual and collective transport and offers tools that form the basis for quality decision-making. We are at the service of cities, transport companies, companies and citizens aspiring to support changes in mobility behavior in favor of sustainable development. Get in the game! 

Greenplay is currently carrying out various sustainable mobility projects in partnership with cities, transport companies or other organizations. The mobile application is only available in the context of these partnerships. Contact us for more information!

Sustainable mobility refers to the implementation of a global travel policy that applies the components of sustainable development to transport. It is therefore based on a transport system?: 

  • that enables individuals to meet their primary access needs in an equitable, safe and health-compatible manner; 
  • Is affordable, operates efficiently, offers transportation options and supports a vibrant economy; 
  • Which minimizes the consumption of space and resources, which integrates with the environment and which reduces greenhouse gas emissions and waste. 

The mobile app Greenplay presents a sustainable development game that takes place in the real world. It applies the principles ofgamification, which consists of applying game-related mechanisms to processes that are not primarily intended to be playful. The concept of?gamification?is very relevant to the issue of sustainable mobility, because the use of games is a positive and effective means of modifying the behavior and habits of citizens over time. Thanks to the combination of digital andgamification, Greenplay ensures the success of the action through a high level of commitment and allows a concrete positive impact on sustainable mobility and the use of alternative transport. 

Anyone can create an account on the Greenplay mobile application. On the other hand, users who are not associated with a city, transport company or company will not have access to the Store. Greenplay. If they wish, they can still use the application and consult the data relating to their sustainable travel. 

Yes, absolutely. If Greenplay is available in the city where you workare or in a city that you visits frequently and that you longed fors use the mobile application in this city even if you don't live theres not, you for Race no problem create an account and associate it with this city in order to participate in the various challenges that take place there. 

Yes. There are no fees associated with creating an account on our Greenplay mobile app.

Challenges Greenplay are sustainable mobility challenges available on the mobile application organized in collaboration with a city, a transport company or a company. Challenges Greenplay have a predefined duration with a fixed start and end. 

Yes. To leave a challenge?Greenplay, you n / As just press the "In Progress" button, which is the same button you pressed to join the challenge.   

Greenplay mobile app does not consume battery when you are beautiful stationary and battery consumption is minimal while on the move. A move thataverage daily will use approx. 1% of the autonomy of your battery. Battery life is improved if you are connected to a network Wireless. 

The application Greenplay only uses a very small amount of your data, which varies according to the number of trips that you carried outs and the distance of each trip. We believe that the data travel utilisées par l?application sont de moins de 5mo par mois, ce qui représente moins de 0,1% d?un forfait mensuel moyen (5go).  

Account configuration and settings

No. The app works in off mode line, it'si.e. without an internet connection. Nevertheless, the detection of your trips to will do of way less precise. What's more, when you use the app in off mode line, you will have to maybe you connect to the Internet (Wireless or plan of data) to less a times by 24 time for to earn Greenpoints for all the trips made in off mode line during that period of 24 time. 

To enable location services for Greenplay on an iOS device: 

  1. Go to Settings ? Privacy ? Location Services ? Greenplay ? Always
  2. Activate the precise location


 To enable location services for Greenplay on an Android device: 

  1. Go to Settings ? Apps ? Greenplay ? Permissions
  2. Activate Locations (at all times) and Physical activity  


It's important to "always" allow access to your location because this is what allows Greenplay to detect your movements and reward you for them. Playing our mobility game without turning on your location data is like playing Monopoly without dice. It does not work! 

  1. Go first in the Dashboard
  2. Tap your photo or profile picture in the top left corner to go to the page Profile
  3. Press on Logout
  1. Log out of the app (if you don't know how, see the previous question: How can I log out of the app?)
  2. Press on Forgot your password at the bottom of the login screen 

Location and privacy

You can consult the conditions of use from the link link,

and the privacy policy from the link link.

The terms of use and the privacy policy can also be found on the page Profile of the Greenplay mobile application. You can access it at any time from Dashboard by tapping on your profile picture in the top left corner.

Greenplay uses travel data already collected by our phones intelligents to detect the means of transport of its user. Coupled with the collection of location data, the application is able to say how many km have been traveled and with what means of transport. Everything is done with precision and efficiency, so as to have a non-significant impact on the consumption of the phone's battery. 


The shop Greenplay is our mobile app rewards platform, where you to regainace all kinds of products and services from local businesses. A specific number of points will be assigned to each product or service available on the Store according to the importance and value of the item. You for Race you procure one or more rewards on the Shop Greenplay if you ats accumulated the number of?Greenpoints?necessary. Please note that you will only have access to the Greenplay Shop if your account is associated with a Greenplay partner.

No Unfortunately. All the rewards available on the Shop Greenplay can be obtained in exchange for? Greenpointsonly. 


The Greenpoints are the points you accumulate based on your sustainable mobility trips. The principle is simple: the more km you travel in active or sustainable transport (walking, cycling, bus, etc.), the more you accumulate Greenpoints on your Greenplay account. Other elements such as challenges, badges and levels also allow you to obtain Greenpoints. If your account is associated with a Greenplay partner, you can then exchange your Greenpoints for prizes and rewards in the Greenplay Store. You will find all kinds of products and services from local businesses. A Greenpoint does not have a Canadian dollar equivalent.

The accumulation of Greenpoints is dependent on several factors including the quantity of GHG emitted, the physical effort and the distance covered.

No, one Greenpoint does not have a Canadian dollar equivalent (or any other currency).

The accumulation of Greenpoints is dependent on several factors including the quantity of GHG emitted, the physical effort and the distance covered. For more details, go to the page Displacements of the mobile application and presses the icon ?! ".

For the automatic detection of carpooling trips, at least one other user with whom you carpool must have installed the app Greenplay on his phone. If they haven't already, ddemande To your carpoolers to download the application so that Greenplay can count your carpooling trips and reward you for them.  


Using specialized algorithms, our app automatically detects trips made using sustainable modes of transportation. So you don?t have to interact with the mobile app and choose the active or sustainable means of transportation you want to use before each trip.

No, you n / As no need to register your movements in the application. Once the application is installed and configured, Greenplay detects and counts faautomatic lesson all your journeys as well as the mode of transport used for each of your shifts. You n / As you don't even need to open the app before, during or after a move for it to be recorded.

A single trip can be split into two or more trips if it consists of two or more different modes of transportation or if the trip includes a period where you are stationary (not moving). You may remain stationary for 10 minutes during a trip before the trip is split.

Yes quite! You n / As what to go to the tab Displacements of the application. Your trips of the day will be displayed directly. To view past trips, pressie on the left arrow to the desired date. 

It generally takes less than 10 minutes between the end of a trip and its display in the application. In some infrequent cases, the system may need more time to process the move and it may take up to 3 hours for it to appear in the app.

If you have any questions or are experiencing technical problems, please contact us via the I want to report a problem feature (the « ! » symbol on the Sessions page). You can also contact us at and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Greenplay automatically detects the journeys made and the modes of transport used using specialized algorithms. Nevertheless, it may happen that the mode of transport or the distance traveled are not exact for a trip. This may be due to several factors, including poor cellular reception (particularly on short journeys) and unavailability of local transit data, as well as the model of the phone which may prevent collection.

If you have any questions or are experiencing technical problems, please contact us via the I want to report a problem feature (the « ! » symbol on the Sessions page). You can also contact us at and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Assures-toi que :

  • la géolocalisation soit activée en tout temps et avec le mode précision
  • la permission pour l’activité physique soit activée
  • les notifications soient activées
  • l’appareil ne soit pas en mode «économie d’énergie».

Finalement, avec certains modèles de téléphone intelligent, le système d’exploitation fermera l’application Greenplay si elle n’est pas utilisée pendant quelques jours. Il n’est pas possible de connaitre le nombre de jours exemple car cela est différent d’un téléphone à un autre. Ouvrir l’application régulièrement vient prévenir ce comportement du système d’exploitation.

Yes. To delete a move: 

  1. Go to the tab Displacements of the application 
  2. Tap on the move you want to delete 
  3. Tap the trash can icon in the upper right corner 

The greenhouse gas emissions saved are calculated based on the emissions produced by a solo trip. For example, a person who walks consumes no GHGs and therefore saves 0.21 kg per kilometer travelled. Here is the list of modes of transport with the associated calculation:

Mode of transportKg GHG saved/ km
Solo driving0
Electric car0,20966
Electric bike0,20966
Roller blade0,21
Cross country skiing0,21

Allons Covoiturage

Les matches entre deux utilisateurs surviennent lorsque les trajets concordent ensemble en fonction des paramètres de chacun des utilisateurs.

Lors de la création d’une demande, tu auras la possibilité de donner le nombre de minute maximum que tu souhaites faire comme détour en tant que conducteur ou passager. À partir de cette information, nous effectuons un calcul qui nous permet de respecter les temps de détour souhaités pour chacun des utilisateurs.

Non, il n’est pas possible de revoir un match si tu le refuses. Par contre, tu n’est pas obligé de le refuser pour voir d’autres match; tu n’as qu’à glisser la carte de l’utilisateur vers la gauche ou la droite pour voir les autres matchs.

Afin que la fonctionnalité de clavardage soit disponible, les deux covoitureurs doivent accepter le match. Si seulement l’une des deux personnes a accepté le match, la fonctionnalité ne sera pas disponible.

Vous pouvez Supprimer ou Suspendre un match. Vous n’avez qu’a appuyer sur le match et appuyer sur « Supprimer / Suspendre »